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Day 9: Donuts and Glamping

Busan is so close now, and there is an air of optimism and relief but also a bit of soberness as we realize that our cycling trip is winding down to an end soon. Before leaving the hotel, the owner lady came out and offered us a hard boiled egg. We've really had a great time in Korea and have been treated so well by the people. We stopped by the convenience store and I got some instant coffee from the cashier and some red bean and cream filled bread. We sat outside for a bit while we ate and then continued over the Namjigyo bridge to begin our ride for the day. The first interesting sight was a reindeer in a stable eating a branch of leaves. There are many lodging options in Namji even across the river from the main part of the city. It was a short ride to the next stamp booth which was Changnyeonghamanbo. A bus driver parked nearby tried to tell us something in Korean but we were unable to understand what he was saying which is a shame.

It started to get quite warm and we were getting hungry so we stopped into Gyeongsangnam-do for some food. There were small shops all over and we just chose a shop randomly to go into. I ordered bulgogi soup which was quite delicious. Afterwards, we found a donut shop nearby so we bought some fresh donuts which were super cheap and I also got coffee milk at a CU convenience store to drink. We rode back towards the river and found a pagoda for some shade and to let the food settle in our stomachs a bit before continuing the ride. The map we printed out had us on the other side of the river bank but Sally didn't care to follow the map so we stayed on our side of the river...looking at the map it looked like a little more mileage but there are various ways to get to the same place so we continued on. The detour took us a little inland to cross a feeder river into the Nakdonggang via an old bridge. We took another break later on at a roadside trailer cafe as it was quite hot outside. Later on we found a nice pagoda once again to rest at and this time we all took a nap...I guess we were getting worn out or something. It was peaceful sleeping with the river nearby and a wind blowing through. This part of the route had us traveling right next to the river over a boardwalk with the train passing to our left. I looked at the trains as they passed by and wondered if they could see us...

Rather than forcing our bodies to continue onto Busan, we decided to call it at Mulgeum-eup. We found a awesome pay campsite equipped with trailers that had showers and bathrooms. We inquired and was told 15,000won a night. We tried to pay with our cards but were declined and the guy begrudgingly accepted cash from us. We set up camp among the auto campers and I took a shower to clean up...around us the campers had elaborate cooking stuff set out and the sites even had plugs. Like crackheads, we were in need of a fried chicken fix so we found a Mom's Touch in town a short ride away. We rode along the river, took an elevator to an overpass and then proceeded into town to find our fix. Tori and Sally ordered a combo meal which unknown to them included a spicy chicken sandwich. Tori was surprised by it and was suffering. I had a thigh burger combo which was good.

After dinner we went back to the campsite feeling satisfied and we were all in good spirits knowing that we would reach Busan tomorrow. I enjoyed my last outdoors night in Korea.

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