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Why Japan?

I picked Japan as my destination mainly because I am Japanese and I embrace this weird country LOL. I guess I am not so adventurous after all...otherwise I would've picked the Silk Road or the Indo-Himalaya route. Other than the fact that I am Japanese and I wanted to visit my relatives, there are reasons why YOU should consider Japan even if you aren't Japanese. 
Here are some other reasons why you should consider Japan as a cycling destination:


The climate and geography is so diverse for how small of an island it is. The southern part is tropical like Hawaii, since it is closer to the South Pacific. The nothern part is more like Alaska with cold winters, thanks to its proximity to Russia. 


It is one of the safest countries in the world.


There are public hot springs called "onsen" everywhere. These hot springs only cost you anywhere from $2-20, and are open to the public. if you're afraid of getting naked in front of people, then it might take some getting used to.


If you like Japanese food like ramen...well this is the place to get it. I will definitely be writing about all the different ramen I try throughout my trip.


If you're into visiting historical points of interest, there are a lot of those throughout Japan thanks to its long history. 


The people are generally friendly and willing to help you out. English is taught in school nowadays, but many people are intimidated speaking to foreigners. The seniors generally don't understand any English. Unless you are deep in the countryside, you will be able to find someone who knows enough English to help you out.


Come during the spring, and you will get to see the cherry blossoms...come during the summer and you may catch firework shows going on at a summer festival, called "natsu matsuri" in Japan.  



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